auntie's blag part of this complete breakfast

First Post! Wooooo!

I'm starting this blog with the hope that, with a little luck, I might find the time to post about some of the projects or programming tidbits I'm working on.

Recently, through the magic of RSS, I've been reading more programming-oriented blogs blogs such as Gamasutra and the LLVM Project Blog (not just wasting time on Slashdot, hah). I thought it would be nice to have a blog of my own just in case I find something interesting I would like to share. It's not that I haven't found things to blog about; it's just difficult to compulsively blog about something without... actually having a blog in the first place.

So here's my blog, and here's a blog post about my blog. If you're here to read blog posts about my blog, you're in for some disappointment, because I don't anticipate writing any more blog posts about my blog. I do, however, plan on writing about things I'm actually interested in, which may or may not include topics such as C/C++ hacks, Vim plugins, obscure Linux distributions, and Japanese study, to name a few. I might even just reblog whatever I bookmark if I'm feeling lazy.